
Upcoming Events

Monthly Church Dinner (Everyone Invited): Sunday, October 13, 12:30 pm

Annual Trick or Treat Festival: Thursday, October 31, 5:30-7:30 pm

Go to the Shattuck First Methodist Church Facebook page for videos of Pastor Tim’s sermons.

For more information, contact the church office at 580-885-7771

Arnett Methodist Women

The Methodist Women meet regularly to connect and encourage one another through Faith formation, Leadership development, Education, and Fellowship. 

They exist to improve the lives of women, youth, and children. 

Through their missional projects, and generosity, the Methodist Women share the hope of Jesus Christ in their local community and beyond.

Partnering with Others

Arnett Ministerial Alliance Blessing Baskets (distributed in December)

Arnett High School Baccalaureate Service at Arnett High  (May, Sunday before Graduation)

Pastor Tim's Book

Book can be purchased by clicking the link:  Amazon Store

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